AquaChar provides crystal clear water, biological balance, nutrient control, pH stability, reduced algae, & much more.

Created to last longer than activated carbon while providing greater surface area compared to ceramic bio-media in fresh & saltwater projects of any size.

Designed to be used for the lifespan of the project.
AquaChar is resistant to biodegradation in water.

Easy 30-second monthly maintenance routine
Just shake off AquaChar monthly in water change water to remove larger organics & free unused porosity.

The only carbon to offer simple on-site regeneration
Every 3-6+ months (as needed):
Regenerate & air dry per instructions
– or –
Add new to the existing to maintain clarity and boost biological balance & stability

AquaChar provides long-term water quality improvement in two key ways:

Adsorption is the ability to pull & hold impurities & contaminants to a surface to provide crystal clear water.
Carbon is a common adsorption media because it provides rapid clarity to aquariums with yellowing or cloudy water.

Negatively charged AquaChar magnetically pulls positively charged dissolved organics from water.
The diffusion and partitioning of contaminants into the porous structure of AquaChar simultaneously occur, along with the influences of hydrophobic interaction, aromatic-π interaction, cation-π interaction, electrostatic interaction, and hydrogen bonding.

The enhanced porosity and negative charge pancakes organics into AquaChar.
By functionalizing layers of hydroxides, structured carbon acts as a slow release mechanism that allows AquaChar to provide long-term interaction with water.

Three-dimensional structured carbon bonds makes AquaChar resistant to biodegradation and allows for regeneration.
Contaminates are stored inside the sub-micron porosity of AquaChar where it is molecularly degraded over time.

Biologically active microsites (B.A.M.S.) is a temporary or persistent site which provides optimal conditions for microorganisms to efficiently consume organic waste.
A healthy ecosystem is a complex web of microorganisms working efficiently.
B.A.M.S. can be temporary like uneaten food or persistent on surfaces that provided consistent food & protection. A healthy environment cannot survive on one type of microorganism alone.

AquaChar provides a long-term electrostatic surface which magnetically pulls in soft, positively charged organics that bacteria like to eat.
The oxidation-reduction zone created on the electrostatic surface of AquaChar is designed to boost biological stability while speeding up the organic breakdown process.

- activated carbon – the rapid reaction quickly clogs carbon pores with large organics while briefly turning into a biological medium. Once the organic food source is depleted, bacteria begin consuming left over residues inside the carbon – releasing toxic resins. Long-term use: turns septic before being removed, leading to a constant state of biological imbalance.
- AquaChar – the chunk size allows large organics to flow through while pulling in the fine organics that cause cloudiness. This allows carbon to be a food delivery service for microorganisms creating biological microsites of nitrifying and decomposing bacteria working together.
The larger, natural size of AquaChar prevents biofouling as it does not clog.
The soft organics microorganisms like to eat are broken down while flow pushes larger organics back into the system to avoid septic imbalance.

AquaChar takes the biological bloom activity which causes persistent cloudiness in the water column and moves it to B.A.M.S. created by AquaChar.

AquaChar is designed to provide long-term water quality improvement by handling two-third the filtration needs of ponds & aquariums.
Here are some additional benefits many customers experience using AquaChar:

With consistent inputs, AquaChar increases population & diversity of nitrifying & decomposing bacteria to speed up the organic break down process.
Oxidation-reduction zone creates an ideal environment for biological consumption.

AquaChar is functionalized to create & slow-release hydroxides.
AquaChar is a natural way to supplement daily dosing and buffers.
Many systems see a higher pH of 7.5-7.8 in freshwater and 8.0-8.4 in saltwater.
Many customers find adding a small amount to the existing each month helps maintain the higher pH levels.

For freshwater low pH systems (such as CO2-injected planted & caridina shrimp system) AquaChar has minimal impact on pH.
For saltwater system that do not see the pH increase. Factors like certain types of rocks/bricks/sand, foods & dosing, and environmental CO2 have the ability to neutralize the release of hydroxides by AquaChar. Also, It can take 2-3 weeks to balance out and notice a difference.

Pods are lazy just like people.
Bacteria eat organics on AquaChar.
Pods eat the bacteria full of amino acids while cleaning the surface of AquaChar
Pods love AquaChar.

By moving biological activity to AquaChar, many customers see a reduction in the frequency of algae and biofilm removal.

Whether it’s something on your hands or sprayed into the air, AquaChar provides long-term chemical filtration and adds a layer of protection against chemical warfare and events you cannot predict.
Grant from The Garden of Eder give a one year update and tells how AquaChar saved his breeding colonies from certain death.

The only carbon manufacturer with a core product which is engineered specifically for biological ecosystems in the pond & aquarium industry.

AquaChar maximizes time & temperature by creating a unique environment which forces out impurities for fuel while maintaining the structure & porosity of wood without turning to ash.

Fossil coal-based activated carbon is a consumable product designed for a one-time rapid reaction exhausted in days before disposal.
Long-term use of activated carbon has been documented to harm livestock (see H.L.L.D.).
Activated carbon is like an oil change where AquaChar is an engine upgrade.

Arnoldo’s Aquariums 3-month Freshwater & Saltwater Review
Seahorse Whisperer interview with Brian Covey, Co-developer & C.E.O. of AquaChar
Looking at AquaChar as a bio-media under a microscope with JH Aquatics

Learn how to make the most of your AquaChar.
Learn about testing AquaChar as a biological media